A NSW Government website
New South Wales Crime Commission


The NSW Crime Commission’s Operations Division has two primary responsibilities:

  • to investigate organised and other serious crime
  • to share intelligence and evidence gathered by the NSW Crime Commission during the course of its activities with its partner agencies.

Offences that the NSW Crime Commission investigates include homicide, terrorism, serious drug offences (supply, manufacture, and importation), and associated financial and money laundering activity. The Operations Division works closely with the NSW Crime Commission’s partner agencies, particularly the NSW Police Force, to advance investigations into these offences. Operations investigation teams also work alongside the Legal and Confiscations Division to identify assets purchased with the proceeds of crime and maximise confiscation outcomes for the State.

The Operations Division analyses material obtained from informants and other sources. This material is then shared with the NSW Crime Commission’s partner agencies to assist them in their investigations. In addition, the Operations technical team provides specialist surveillance support to investigations and to partner agencies.

The NSW Crime Commission adopts innovative tools and investigative methodologies to keep pace with the changing nature of organised criminal networks and their operations. The Operations Division has a range of powers available to assist in advancing investigations. These include traditional law enforcement powers such as search warrants, telecommunications interception and surveillance device warrants. Operations use the NSW Crime Commission’s power to summons people to give evidence in its private hearing room. This power is used to further investigations by obtaining information and evidence from people who are not prepared to co-operate with law enforcement.